Regular Council Meeting Highlights - Sept 3, 2024

Community News

Development Permit with Variance 

Council approved a Development Permit with Variance for the property at 11474 Petrie Road to allow for a residential development. The project would redevelop the site previously occupied by the Airport Inn Lakeside into a rental residential development. In accordance with the Multiple Family Development Permit Area (DPA) guidelines.

Request for Council Feedback

Council deferred a decision on the proposed expansion of commercial uses at 15660 Oyama Road for boat sales and storage to the September 10, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. Staff will bring back additional information and options for Council to consider the long-term and best uses of the property. 

Urban Containment Boundary

Council directed staff to work with the developer of the property at 11470 Bond Road and bring back an application to amend the Urban Containment Boundary and Future Land Use Designation of the Official Community Plan and the Zoning Bylaw to allow for multi-family residential development on the parcel. 

Boundary Adjustment

Council supported the use of an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to obtain approval of the electors regarding a proposed boundary adjustment that would transfer 5 properties from the City of Kelowna to the District of Lake Country. Once the Ministry of Municipal Affairs accepts the proposal, the District can move forward with the elector approval process.

UBCM CEPF Thermal Imaging Camera Replacement

Council approved a grant application to the 2024 UBCM-CEPF Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training stream in the amount of $40,000 to provide funds to the 2025 renewal and replacement of thermal imaging cameras. The intent of the cameras is to build the resiliency of volunteer and composite fire departments in preparing for and responding to emergencies and to facilitate the delivery of training. The District of Lake Country will provide overall grant management.

Subdivision and Development Servicing Amendment 

Council approved that Subdivision and Development Servicing Amendment (Schedule M) Bylaw 1241, 2024 be adopted.